MODDIY Ultra-Soft Silicone Wire Cables
This style gives you the most flexible cables in the world using premium ultra-soft silicone wires, most suitable for mini-PC, ITX, SFF builds with minimal spacing. Flexibility: These cables are extremely soft and flexible, allowing them to curve and bend naturally. Their flexibility makes them suitable for tight spaces and areas with limited clearance. Electrical Performance: They exhibit low dielectric loss and excellent insulating properties, ensuring optimal electrical performance andPopularMODDIY High-Density Single Sleeved Cables
This is the most popular and elegant style with individual high-density sleeving over each wire with the best protection while maintaining the cable softness and flexibility. Wire Protection: These cables feature individual high-density sleeving over each wire, providing excellent protection against wear, abrasion, and damage. Durability: The high-density sleeving enhances cable durability, ensuring a longer lifespan even with frequent use. Appearance: High-Density Single Sleeved CablesPopularMODDIY Premium Silver Wire Cables
This style is the simplicity and elegant style using premium high-performance silver-plated wires with the best interference protection, most suitable for Audio Grade PC. High Conductivity: Silver is an excellent electrical conductor, surpassing even copper. When silver plating coats copper wire, it significantly enhances overall conductivity, ensuring reliable signal transmission. Corrosion Resistance: Silver-plated copper wires are more resistant to corrosion than regular copper wires. TSome readersAll White Connector Cables
Premium tailor-made custom cables with all white connectors by MODDIY. All White Connector Cables All White Connector Cables All White Connector CablesSome readersMODDIY Ultra-Soft Embossed Wire Cables
This new soft-textured embossed cable, meticulous like woven texture, enhances the aesthetic. It offers both advantages of the texture of sleeving, and the softness of silicone wire. It offers a unique combination of features that make them stand out. Soft-Textured Aesthetic: These cables have a meticulous woven texture, enhancing their visual appeal. The embossed design adds an artistic touch, making them suitable for showcase builds. Texture and Softness: Ultra-Soft Embossed Wire CablesSome readersWire Management Showcase
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FormD T1 v2 Modultra Lobo 13900k 4090 FE SF1000L Corsair SF1000L Corsair SF1000L Corsair SF1000L ( readersMODDIY Angled 12VHPWR Cables
First build! Email from customer Derek directly, thanks! 90degree 12vhpwr ( readersHow to remove ATX connector pins?
Sunbeam Universal Molex Pin Remover (Full Set) Sunbeam Universal Molex Pin Remover Sunbeam PSU Connector Remover Tool youtube How to remove ATX power connector pins using staples (GKFew readersHow to sleeve computer cables?
Computer cable sleeving showcase, demo & guides Cable Sleeving Heatshrink Tools Electrical Wire Connectors youtube Cable SleeviFew readersHow to apply a sticker?
Sticker application demo Sticker Application Demo Sticker Application InstructionFew readersMODDIY PCIE Angled Adapters
Inspired by my wife and kids who all love pink readersMODDIY High-Density Uni Sleeved Cables
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