How to pay with credit card? (Step by Step)
Go to, and click Checkout Now.

Fill in your billing and shipping information. Click the green button to continue.

Click Proceed to Payment and you'll be redirected to the PayPal site.

Click Pay with a Card or Checkout as Guest or Pay with Debit or Credit Card (the grey button).

Fill in your credit card information to complete the payment.

You will be redirected back to our website to complete the checkout.

Fill in your billing and shipping information. Click the green button to continue.

Click Proceed to Payment and you'll be redirected to the PayPal site.

Click Pay with a Card or Checkout as Guest or Pay with Debit or Credit Card (the grey button).

Fill in your credit card information to complete the payment.

You will be redirected back to our website to complete the checkout.
Updated on: 19/09/2021
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